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You Bring Us Joy!

Daystar Kids depends on the generosity of friends like you to provide vital services for children with complex medical issues and special needs. Thanks for giving Daystar Kids a bright and happy future.

Black toddler smiling  and seated in chair and turned head back towards camera

Daystar Kids depends on your generous donations to help children with complex health care conditions learn, thrive and shine. And the love and learning they receive every day lasts a lifetime---and launches a lifetime of health, independence, and fulfillment. 

Rest assured, we are responsible stewards of your gifts. More than 93 cents of every dollar donated goes straight to the heart of our mission: providing expert pediatric nursing care, therapeutic services, early childhood and special education programs, and family support services at NY’s one and only Pediatric Complex Care and Learning Center.

An Honor or Memorial Gift is a special way to honor a loved one. It's an enduring tribute celebrating a loved one’s spirit and legacy, and is a thoughtful way to tell someone you care. An Honor or Memorial Gift is the perfect remembrance for a family member, or friend, in recognition of a retirement, wedding, birthday or other special occasion.

Consider a gift that provides ongoing support and encouragement for a child whose development has been disrupted by long periods of hospitalization and treatments for their medical conditions. Schedule your recurring monthly donation here. It’s easy and convenient and it helps save on paper and mailing costs, allowing more of your investment to fund life-changing services for a Daystar Kid.

There are many ways to support Daystar Kids. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

Icon of mailbox with door open and flag up
Icon of phone
Icon of phone
Icon showing gift box over words Make an Honor or Memorial Gift
Logo shows sun under words The Love Shines Leadership Society
Stock photo showing file tab with words Estate Plan

Other ways to donate:

Please send checks to:
Daystar Kids
700 Lac De Ville Boulevard
Rochester, NY 14618
Checks payable to: Daystar Kids

Please call 585-385-6287

Ask for the Development Office. 
We accept all major credit cards. 

Icon showing United Way logo

United Way

Donate Agency ID: 2455


The Love Shines Leadership Society is a group of distinguished contributors committed to supporting Daystar Kids. Gifts made through the Love Shines Leadership Society provide annual support to Daystar Kids overall infrastructure.

Contributions of $1,000 or more allow Daystar Kids to address our immediate priorities by providing support for children with life-threatening medical and developmental complexities.


The Love Shines Leadership Society sponsor is an individual who makes a pledge to be paid within the current fiscal year. Gifts of $1,000 or more qualify donors for recognition at one of the following sponsorship levels:

  • Sustainer: $1,000-$4,999

  • Partner: $5,000-$9,999

  • Patron: $10,000-$24,999

  • Benefactor: $25,000-$49,999

  • Founder: $50,000+


Daystar Kids invites you to become a member of the Love Shines Leadership Society. If you have any questions about configuring your gift or our organization's needs, please contact Executive Director Kim Condon.

Planned giving

Planned gifts provide the resources that create extraordinary opportunities and preserve the future of Daystar Kids.

Making a planned gift enables you to have a profound impact on Daystar Kids and may help you make a larger gift than you thought possible. To meet both your financial and philanthropic goals, there are many ways to create your legacy—from making Daystar Kids a beneficiary in your will or a retirement plan to making gifts that provide you with lifetime income. Listed below are several ways you can support Daystar Kids and receive significant tax and financial benefits. 

  • Will or living trust provisions

  • Retirement plan beneficiary 

  • Life insurance

  • Charitable lead trust

  • Life income arrangement

  • Charitable gift annuity

  • Charitable remainder annuity trust

  • Charitable remainder unitrust

The information contained in this section is intended only as a guide. Individual circumstances will determine which planned giving opportunity is best for you. We encourage you to consult your attorney or professional advisor before entering into any planned giving arrangements.

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United Way

Did you know that Daystar Kids is a United Way donor designation agency? Please consider designating part or all of your United Way contribution to Daystar Kids by selecting donor option #2455. 

United Way logo
Gathering to Give logo
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